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Life insurance
Life insurance is an agreement or a legally binding contract between you, the policyholder, and the insurance service provider, the insurer. Life insurance basically allows you to determine the fate of your loved ones and the distribution of your wealth upon your death. It helps you determine how you want things to run upon your death.
For the insurance company to enforce the life insurance policy, the application must accurately disclose the history and current conditions of the policyholder as well as the high-risk activities.
From the inception of the contract, the policyholder is required to periodically pay insurance premiums that have been agreed upon by the company. This is a small amount of money over time or an advanced lump sum. It is like a saving account throughout the stipulated period. The life insurance will only remain effective if the payments are up to date.

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Disability Insurance
According to the social security administration, at least a quarter of the 20-year-olds will become disabled and unable to engage in their regular work before hitting 67 years. The problem is, very few people are aware of the disability insurance services in Canada. This is a type of insurance that is designed to replace a portion of your regular income should you become unable to work.
Disability insurance acts as an income replacement paid every month to the insured as they recover from an illness or injury. It replaces not the entire income but approximately between 60-80% of the salary. This makes the insured person able to manage their lifestyle standard without falling into financial crisis and instability.
If the accident occurs outside the place of work, health insurance or Medicare might cover the bills. However, health insurance doesn’t guarantee coverage of lost wages for the time that you will not be able to go to work. It only focuses on your medical bills.

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Critical Illness Insurance
Upon finding the right insurance policy provider and picking the right policy that can cover the potential risk of contracting critical illnesses, the policyholder begins to pay premiums. The premiums could be paid on a monthly or annual basis.
The policyholder is supposed to keep the policy coverage active by paying the premiums consistently and on time. If you are diagnosed with an illness that you are covered for, you can file a claim.
The critical life insurance providers will review the medical documents and eventually pay you with a lump sum of cash. The amount is meant to help with the medical bills, medical care as well as provide financial stability and any other way the policyholder sees fit. They provide you with stability and all financial liabilities like mortgage, recurring bills among other financial commitments you may need.

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Tourist & Supervisa Insurance
When you’re getting ready for that field trip, vacation, business trip, or a quick visit of your friend or relative for a few days, insurance may not be the first thing that comes to your mind. But, while traveling, there is a possibility of things going wrong and that will make you blow a lot of money.
Flights and accommodations may get canceled, your essentials may get stolen or vandalized, and you may get lost or stranded or sometimes sick in a foreign land. During such events, you may not get to enjoy the trip as you had planned. You may even miss a special meeting and lose money while trying to smoothen the situation. These are just some of the reasons people invest in travel insurance.
What is Policyhub
The ability to be able to compare all the possible insurance companies and plans in one place, the convenience of being able to apply from anywhere with a computer and internet, and the availability of free and customized investment calculations ensures you save on time
Using our experienced and qualified advisors, Policyhub strives at customizing policies to ensure our customers invest in what is necessary for them. This ensures you save a certain percentage on your insurance premiums.
Being a one-stop insurance policy provider, Policyhub gives you more options for your financial protection needs. Choose the best insurance company out of our database that contains more than 20 of the best insurance companies in Canada.
About us!
Perfect Team
Policyhub is made up of people who have the expertise, experience, and industrial connections that make us among the top insurance providers in Canada. The team, from the grassroots upwards, shares a common goal of ensuring every client is treated with priority thereby simplifying the process and making our services reliable across the country.
As a company, we believe in what we sell.
As an independent insurance service provider, we have our company registered and regulated by all the necessary authorities to ensure our services are in line with the laws of the land. We have proof of all these
Best insurance for everyone
My wife and I were looking for an insurance policy plan that could serve us for a while. After searching and coming across a number of insurance policy providers and experts, I encountered Policyhub. I was impressed with how interested they were in actually helping me get what I want based on what I can commit to and my long-term goals for that period. I ended up choosing term and the staff was amazing enough to guide us through every step providing us with the necessary information.
My wife and I are now a happy couple in Canada.
I will 110% recommend Policyhub for your life insurance policy.
I am glad I found Policyhub.
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